Well here at Rose’s we are starting off 2014 with some exciting new additions to our store. We are opening the back two rooms of the store up again and wiil have one room that will be our sale room and the back room will be a class room/ meeting room ( with yarn in it of course!). Having this back room will enable us to have room to host a knitting group. Starting March 11, 2014 on Tuesday afternoons from 1:00 -3:00 we will have a knitting group where anyone can drop in and knit. Come in and have a coffee or tea and chat with other knitters. Get inspired by seeing what others are knitting or crocheting.
Speaking of crocheting, we are holding our first crochet classes starting March 12th. We are pleased to have Charles Voth teaching our crochet classes. Charles is a freelance technical editor for knitting and crochet publications. He has done work for magazines including Interweave Crochet and Vogue Crochet. The first class is a beginner crochet class. The second is a project class but is suitable for beginner crocheters. We will also be holding a sock knitting class and a beginner knitting class. Check the class section of the website for more information on dates and times.
There are more exciting things in the works here at Rose’s but I will let you know about them in a future post. Hope to see you soon!