Knitting monogamy is not for me

Knitting monogamy is not for me. I am definitely a multi-project girl. I usually have a few projects on the go at the same time.  I sometimes envy those people who can stick to one project and not start another until the one is finished.  I see a new project and want to start on it right away.  Or I get bored with the one I am knitting and need to try something new.  Some projects just take too much concentration and I want a mindless knit to do while I read or watch tv.

Thprojects on the gois picture shows only a couple of the things I have on the go at the moment ( just the ones I brought to work today).  I have a scarf that I have finished knitting and just need to weave in the ends, another simple k1,p1 ribbed scarf (boring) and a pair of mitts done in fingering weight that will have a cat on them (medium concentration) and at home I have fingering weight scarf in a more complicated pattern which is taking forever to get done.  I am trying to get an inch a day done but  some days I just don’t have the patience to work on it.  The scarf is one I have tried 4 different patterns for and ripped out 3 times.  I am determined that I will finish it in time for fall.  No more ripping out, except for the mistakes I seem to make every time I am working on it.

There is also the sweater that I finished knitting more than 5 years ago and didn’t block before trying to sew it together and you can guess how that turned out.  It went into the bag to be pulled out some time in the future when I will undo the seams and block it before I sew it back together.

There is the wrap I started on a long car trip only to discover I hated knitting with the yarn but had nothing else to do for the 6 hours I was in the car. I am more than half way done that one. There are the numerous single socks waiting for mates and one pair that are on the needles with only a bit of the toe to go.

Do the projects that I have only done a couple of inches on before I abandoned them count? How about the top I was knitting for my honeymoon more than 25 years ago that is now hopelessly out of style? The hat I never did like anyway? The baby sweater for the baby that is now 5 years old?

Maybe I can try and be monogamous with at least one of the projects I have on the go.  The mitts are really cute.missy c mittens The pattern is available on at I will strive for knitting monogamy with this one project. I will let you know how that goes. I mean I do have to do two mittens which could be a little hard.