Christmas Open House

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Well here we are again and it is time for our annual Christmas Open House.  If you haven’t ever been to our Christmas Open House, you have to come in and see the store at it’s finest – all decorated up for Christmas.  With all the twinkling lights and hundreds of ornaments all hung from the ceiling with care, it is a sight to behold. Christmas Open House is on Wednesday November 6, from 7 pm to 10 pm. Come in and see the full effect of the Christmas lights and get inspired to get those Christmas presents knit or pick a few ornaments or gifts.

In addition to being all gussied up for Christmas, we will be holding a draw for a basket of some lovely yarn.  What a great early Christmas present to start the season.  There will be select yarns on sale so come in and take advantage of our sale to pick up yarn for that special someone for Christmas (yourself maybe?).

We are working hard right now to get the store decorated and ready for the Open House and hope you will join us on Wednesday November 6 from 7 to 10 pm.

Almost September

Can  you believe it is almost time for a new school year to start?  The summer seems to have flown by so quickly.  It is an exciting time of year – new books, new classes, new experiences, new yarn.  That’s right- time for all the new yarns to come out and we can try out all the new textures and colours.  We have had a few new yarns and books arrive in August, but September really is when all the new yarns should be available.  The new Creations 13/14 is in store already and I have already had a few customers come in to get yarn for projects from the design book.  We have some of the new Berroco Boboli Lace in stock but more will be coming.  We are expecting another shipment of Madeline Tosh any day now.   I have ordered some new sock yarns too from other companies as well.  The fall Debbie Bliss magazine should be in store sometime this week.  All these new things are so exciting!

September is a good time to start working on projects that you want to give as Christmas presents.  I know that seems like a long way away but how long ago does June seem?  Think how good you will feel if you have all your Christmas projects done so you can actually enjoy the Christmas season.  Every year I say I am going to start early so there isn’t the mad rush in December so maybe this will be the year I actually am prepared.  Let’s try and be good and stick to our plan.  Whether it is socks ( we will have the ready-made socks available again for those who want to cheat a little) or a sweater or a pretty shawl come in and see what we have for you project and let’s get knitting!