How Do I Get Rid of All Those UFO’s?

I have finished knitting a bunch of my knitting projects – my husband’s scarf that took almost 2 years to knit ( 4 different patterns, each ripped out when part way through the scarf until my husband and I finally both liked the pattern), Irena’s cat mittens and a couple of ribbed scarves. I made a bunch of cowls and some hats  – all quick projects.  I have gone through the house and put my UFO’s (unfinished objects) into bags so that I can just pick up the bag with one project in it. I, of course, have also started a few more projects as well. I have a shawl that is basically 2/2 ribbing and is about 24 inches wide which is more than half way done.  It is a little boring but I am sure it will be done before the end of the summer.  I have a summer short sleeved sweater that I put down probably more than 5 years ago and I only have from the arm holes up to do so it is more than half finished too. I am hoping to get that done so I can actually wear it this summer. I have a bunch of single socks waiting for mates but so many new sock yarns that I am not very motivated to do the matching socks. There are also a few smaller projects that I can pick up and finish fairly quickly. I will try to finish one UFO for every new project I start.

Working in a yarn store, I see new yarn all the time so it is hard sometimes not to start knitting with whatever yarn is the newest.  It is always nice when someone come in with a project that they have knit with yarn they purchased. It is almost like I had the experience of knitting it myself.  Sometimes you just want to see how the yarn knits up and seeing other people’s projects satisfies that urge.  Even helping someone pick out yarn for a project is almost as satisfying as picking it out for my own project.

Some yarns just call out to me to knit them and seeing others knit with them is not enough. One of those yarns is the Shibui line,  I have knit a cowl in the Drift, which is a worsted weight Merino and Cashmere blend. I am also knitting a scarf with their Lunar, which is a lace weight Merino and silk blend and their Twig which is a linen, silk  and wool blend.  You hold the two yarns together to give a fabric with wonderful texture and drape.I hope to finish it in the next week or so and then work some more on my UFO’s.  I am sure there will be some new yarn that will catch my eye and will have me casting on something new before I finish all my UFO’s.

New to Rose’s – Shibui Knits, luxury knitting

We are so excited to have Shibui Knits now available.  The pattern support for these yarns is exquisite. The yarn has such great drape and fluidity.  These are garments that you will have for years and will never go out of style. The colours that Shibui Knit yarns come in are exquisite and run through the yarn line making it easier to combine the different yarns.

So far we have four of their yarns in stock – Drift, Silk Cloud, Cima and Twig – with more coming soon.

SIlk Cloud is one of the yarns for which Shibui is know.  It is a light air blend of 60% kid mohair and 40% silk. The glowing silk core and mohair haze make for a wonderful drape and stunning colour. It is perfect to use in combination with other yarns.

Drift is a worsted weight yarn of 85% merino and 155 cashmere for the feeling of pure luxury. It is perfect for scarves and accessories and has a lovely drape.

Cima is another one of the yarns for which Shibui is known.  It is a fingering weight blend of 70% baby alpaca and 30% merino. It knits up into a smooth fabric with beautiful drape.  It is often used in combination with their other yarns for a beautiful knit fabric.

Twig is a linen yarn in sport weight.  Its tweedy look gives garments a little bit of a rustic look. It is is crisp and flowing and will soften with every washing.

We have several patterns which are free with purchase of the corresponding yarns. I am itching to knit a few of them up. The colours of these yarns is almost luminescent. The simiplicity of the patterns with their unique details makes them timeless. Check out some of their designs at

Come in and check out this gorgeous new line.

Scarf knit with Shibui Knit yarn.